Feb 26, 2007
Main topic: Interview with James A Owen, author of Here There Be
Dragons. News: DE 3D challenge, NG Little Kids, and Heads Up GPS
Feb 18, 2007
Main topic: Interview with David DiBiase about the UCGIS, GISandT
Body of Knowledge. News: Mars Maps, Raleigh lights, and new
World Wind
Feb 11, 2007
Main Topic: Interview with Graham Stickler of 1Spatial. News: NACIS Survey, Measuring Coast Lines and OpenSource.
Feb 7, 2007
Discussion with David Dibiase with an overview of and thoughts
about MAPPS vs US
Feb 6, 2007
Main Topic: What is the Geospatial Community. News: MAPPS vs US, Photosynth for FireFox, and ILWIS going OpenSource