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A VerySpatial Podcast | Discussions on Geography and Geospatial Technologies

Sep 29, 2005

Conversations from the Podcast Symposium at Duke University in Sept 2005

A VerySpatial Podcast - Episode 10

Sep 25, 2005

Main topic: Impact and future of blogging, podcasting, and new mapping technologies. News: StreetMap Pro, Mars explorer extended, space elevator.

Sep 25, 2005

Inspired by Serenity the movie, an episode about terraforming

Sep 19, 2005

Main Topic: Geographic Infomation. News: Microsoft PDC, National Geographic and Google Earth, and USGS NGOTC.levator.

Sep 11, 2005

Main topic: Space and Place. News: Microsoft supporting spatial developers, new MapInfo deemed OGC compliant, and GSDI Small Grants.